Wednesday 1 July 2015

Master's Blog 11

Well, it is the end of my year as Master and so this is my final Blog.
We installed Peter Hall as our 27th Master at the Installation Court on HQS Wellington along with the Wardens and new Court Assistants.
It has been a privilege to be Master. Christine and I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It has been a busy year attending over 120 events.

I mentioned at the end of my last Blog that we would be entering a team in the Marketors' Livery Golf Day. It was a great day but our golf was not up to the standard to win any prizes. Malcolm Butchers did, however, win the 18 hole putting competition so well done Malcolm!

Some of you will know that the Livery Masters form an Association for the year in which they are Master. Our Association for the  year 2014/15 is called the Magna Masters for obvious reasons. I will continue to keep the Water Conservators in the forefront as I will be in charge of the Golf Society.

Some of you will also know that I have taken on the task to produce our Company History 2000 to 2015. I would welcome any contributions from members with any historical information. I don't mind what format it is in. I have set the target to publish the history in the next year.

Tomorrow I will be chairing our Annual Lecture at the Octagon, Queen Mary University London I hope to see many of you there.

I am handing over the Company in a sound financial position and our reputation in the City is very strong. It only remains for wish Peter every success in his year as Master and to thank you all for your support.
Deputy Master